Thursday, July 7, 2011

New People are not aliens Bre...

After living in Boston for a few  months, I decided that it was about time I branch out of my comfort zone, join some groups, meet some know be a social human being.  I have always been social and confident, but suddenly here I was plucked down into a new city, a new state, a whole new side of the country and I was in unfamiliar ground.  It was like dating again, but worse because well I was trying to impress the same sex, and let's face it, girls are tough...I mean mean girls was based on Tina Fey's high school right:

So any who, I finally worked up the courage and decided I was going to join something co-ed; I look at sports teams, and realized they're always softball.  Let me explain...I detest playing softball, I suck at it, people want to yell at me, you stand around a lot, I have poor depth perception, not my game.  Volleyball, yeah I could handle that, until I saw the heights of the people who played in those leagues or the colleges they played at...then I found it, the group for me...runners.  It made sense, I ran through high school, but wasn't amazing so running groups it was. 

This was it, the night, I was going to meet some of the people at a bar for a drink before deciding whether or not to officially join.  I was walking to it and had a moment of panic, I called a friend, Nicole and explained that I was concerned.  She informed me logically I shouldnt have gone alone, at least now she knew where to report I went missing from, and that despite all of my fears and suspicions...people are not aliens.


I dont know if she missed that part of Men In Black where the man dies and his brain opens and it is an alien, but if it happened to Will Smith, clearly it's only a matter of time until it happens to me.  So I decided to report where I was, and walk inside.   And guess what...aliens they were not, they were normal, runners who had moved here from other parts of the country like myself and figuring a running group would help them meet new people.  So the lesson learned from this is that yes, new people are not aliens, "the man" should have probably come with me to meet them in case they were, but when all else fails, call a good friend, like Nicole who at least takes notes on where you will have disappeared from.

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